AFOWOFA, is an intriguing movie shot in Osogbo, Osun State and Produced by Omotola Gold and Directed by Paul Abiola Bogunmbe. From the title you can guess that consequences are inevitable but what happens when you can find a way around it?
Can consequences be averted or delayed? Watch this blockbuster movie starring Omotola Gold, Funke Etti, Ibrahim Chatta, Ayo Adesanya, Taiwo Ibikunle, Toyosi Adesanya, Adeniyi Johnson, Akin Olaiya, Victoria Ajibola, Adeola Ayoada, Yomi Olorunlaye, Yetunde Ogunsola, Akin Kolapo, Bukunmi Oluwasina, Yetunde Coker, Hannah Akosile, Afonja Olaniyi Sanyeri, Toyin Adegbola et al and thank me.
D. O. P: Lekan Bature & David Otemolu
Sound: Seyi Ogunrinu
Set Designer: Wasiu Adedeji
Property Manager: Demola Adesanya
Production Manager: Tobiloba Abraham
Makeup: Deola Gbamigboye
Continuty: Emmanuel Osuolale
Costumier: Lola Awe
Gaffer: Shola Giwa & Quadril Kazeem
Location driver: Aladesanmi Adeyemi Obasco
Grip: Ridwan Razaq
Production Assistant: Deji Ishola, Taiwo Gobe
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